Our mission is to train, associate and accredit; volunteers, agents and officers Chaplains to implement comprehensive development plans in favor of the most vulnerable families and act nationally and internationally in cases of emergency and natural disasters together with government authorities, armed forces, national police, red cross, firefighters, UNASUR, UN, UNESCO, UNICEF; involving professionals in social action in all areas, to the private civil, ecclesiastical company and to the general public.
Our vision is to be a Governing Institution at the national and international level in the Training and Accreditation of Chaplain Agents, promoters of the Integral Development of the Ecuadorian and world society.
Institutional objectives
1.- Train, Associate and Accredit Volunteers, Agents and Official Chaplains to Develop activities of protection, inclusion, social and economic mobility for: early childhood, youth, adults, older adults, special protection to the life cycle, people with disabilities, actors of the popular and solidarity economy; with emphasis on that population that is in a situation of poverty and vulnerability, and the priority attention groups and the various nationalities.
2.- Carry out talks and actions to prevent the violation of rights and guarantee the special protection of the population that is in a situation of vulnerability; seeking to remove them from the streets and eradicate begging, directing and managing actions to reduce and face the risks of natural disasters or emergency situations, supporting and coordinating with institutions and companies the adaptation of emergency shelters, delivery of products of first necessity, psycho-emotional help to the victims, delivery of donations.
3.- Carry out the respective graduations, promotions, decorations to the active members of our chaplaincy and public recognition to the authorities and pastors.
4.- Carry out the work of Chaplaincy and Family Counseling in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Prisons, Military Brigades, Police Barracks and the like.
Promote the unity of the Chaplains and NGOs through national and international meetings (forums, conventions, etc.); carry out joint actions.
5.- Carry out calls and competitions for professionals in the different careers so that they become part of our Volunteering and support the work of our Foundation at a national and international level.
6.- Carry out activities to raise funds, receive and deliver donations at a national and international level related to Social Development and with the Team of Chaplains, collaborate with Ecuador and other nations in emergency situations or natural disasters.
7.- Use the different means of communication at the national and international level for the promotion and dissemination of Chaplaincy, Social Development and Human Rights, worldwide.
8.- Carry out inter-institutional agreements at the national and international level with organizations (NGOs) and public or private institutions, for the fulfillment of our institutional Mission.